Thursday, April 28, 2016


well first i want to start off by telling you about how much of a struggle it was to have a disability for a moment. Being blind for a short period of time was not fun at all. i didn't know where i was going, i had to count my steps and  kind of see where my going with my feet by feeling it also felt like i was going to run into a wall or a shelf. at one point i wanted to say i trusted Teresa walking us around the class but then again there was this little part of me telling me she's going to make you hurt yourself but in the end i trusted her. At the end of the activity when we got to take our blindfolds off it felt great to see again but then i thought to myself i get to see again, i get to know where i'm at and what i'm next to but the people who are blind cant. They can never take off their blindfolds because they were either born that way or something happened to them and they cant see it daylight, the sky, their surroundings and know how beautiful it can be. it made sad that they have to wake up and begin their day everyday not being able to see. people with vision impairment are very brave and strong, they can trust and believe people who help care for them. The hearing activity i was so confused i thought i was going crazy when i was trying to read another students lips while she was reading the book but it turned out she was reading it in another language. there was that thought in  my head  and made me think it must suck not being able to know whats going during story time and try my best to guess what the book was about and that there are kids in school who struggle with hearing or trying to catch up with the class because they missed a certain part.
Both activities made me think how lucky i am to be me. i could have been born with any of these disability's but i'm fine and happy just the way i am.

Teaching Students with Visual Impairments

A classroom modification i think that is very useful are Manipulatives Physical items (such as small toys, buttons, or beads) are used to demonstrate mathematical concepts or used in art classes to complete a tactile drawing. These are good so the students can see whats going on in the classroom

1 comment:

  1. I am sad that I missed the in class experience, I think Teresa and Yasmine were easier on you than my kids were on me.:)
    I noticed a lot of similarities between my website and your video like reading aloud and using contrast colors to see things. I really liked your video because it not only gave the information but it put you in the child's shoes to make it more understandable and personal.
    With the bringing of a service animal to class, is this allowed at our center? Do some digging for me :)
    I think having three dimensional pictures in the classroom would be a great idea and make it a great experience for all the children.
