Monday, May 18, 2015

When it comes to a second language i think its important to know the language and learn about the the culture. families and children that are bilingual can pick up easily on a new language so, they have that advantage of learning faster and become fast learners in school or work. they have cultural advantages,communicative advantages and much more. Its good that children learn when their young it enhances and enriches their growth and mental development.the younger they are the faster and better they'll learn.Speaking more than one language from an early age introduces the idea that the world is a diverse place with different languages and cultures to explore.Schools should strive to create an environment where all children feel valued and all children can learn.For some children being in a diverse school or college can prepare them for the real world. Diversity and learning go hand in hand. People of different cultural, ethnic, religious, and societal backgrounds bring their various experiences with them when they come into a classroom. 

1 comment:

  1. lovely, very straight forward. We learn from differences, everyone has something to bring to the table.
