Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Finger plays and songs

Bright Sun
(sung to “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”) 
Bright sun shining down,
Shining on the ground.
What a lovely face you have,
Yellow, big and round.

Car Song
(sung to “The Farmer in the Dell”) 
We’re riding in the car,
We’re riding in the car,
Hi-ho, away we go, 
We’re riding in the car.
We’re riding, oh, so far,
We’re riding, oh, so far,
Hi-ho, away we go, 
We’re riding, oh, so far.

Down By the Station 
Down by the station
Early in the morning.
See the little puffer-bellies
All in a row.
See the station master
Pull a little handle.
Puff, puff, toot, toot,
Off we go!

Hands on Hips 
Hands on hips,
Hands on knees,
Put them behind you,
If you please.
Touch your shoulders,
Touch your nose, 
Touch your ears,
And touch your toes.

Little Miss Muffet 
Little Miss Muffet
Sat on a tuffet
Eating her curds and whey.
Along came a spider
That sat down beside her, 
And frightened Miss Muffet away!

Finger play
I have a handful of fingers.
Yes I do.
I can count them.
Can you count them too?

1 2 3 4 5

5 fingers on my hand, that’s 5.

1 finger up, that makes one.

2 fingers up, making two is fun.

3 fingers up, standing tall.

4 fingers up, that’s the call.

5 fingers up that’s all.

I have a handful of fingers.
Yes I do.

5 fingers

1 2 3 4 5

Mr. Sun

Oh Mister Sun, Sun.
Mister Golden Sun.
Won't you please shine down on me?

Oh Mister Sun, Sun.
Mister Golden Sun.
Hiding behind the tree.

These little children
are asking you.
To please come out
so we can play with you.

Oh Mister Sun, Sun,
Mister Golden Sun.
Won't you please shine down on me?

Way up high in the apple tree,
Point up high
Five red apples looked at me.
Hold up five fingers
I shook that tree as hard as I could,
Pretend to shake the tree with both hands
Down came an apple,
Wiggle fingers down from the air
Mmmm, it was good.
Rub tummy!

Criss Cross Applesauce 
Criss cross 
Spiders crawling up your back. 
Cool breeze,
Tight squeeze. 
Now you’ve got the shivers!

Wiggle Fingers 
Wiggle fingers, 
Wiggle so,
Wiggle high, 
Wiggle low.
Wiggle left,
Wiggle right.
Wiggle fingers out of sight!

Thursday, April 28, 2016


well first i want to start off by telling you about how much of a struggle it was to have a disability for a moment. Being blind for a short period of time was not fun at all. i didn't know where i was going, i had to count my steps and  kind of see where my going with my feet by feeling it also felt like i was going to run into a wall or a shelf. at one point i wanted to say i trusted Teresa walking us around the class but then again there was this little part of me telling me she's going to make you hurt yourself but in the end i trusted her. At the end of the activity when we got to take our blindfolds off it felt great to see again but then i thought to myself i get to see again, i get to know where i'm at and what i'm next to but the people who are blind cant. They can never take off their blindfolds because they were either born that way or something happened to them and they cant see it daylight, the sky, their surroundings and know how beautiful it can be. it made sad that they have to wake up and begin their day everyday not being able to see. people with vision impairment are very brave and strong, they can trust and believe people who help care for them. The hearing activity i was so confused i thought i was going crazy when i was trying to read another students lips while she was reading the book but it turned out she was reading it in another language. there was that thought in  my head  and made me think it must suck not being able to know whats going during story time and try my best to guess what the book was about and that there are kids in school who struggle with hearing or trying to catch up with the class because they missed a certain part.
Both activities made me think how lucky i am to be me. i could have been born with any of these disability's but i'm fine and happy just the way i am.

Teaching Students with Visual Impairments


A classroom modification i think that is very useful are Manipulatives Physical items (such as small toys, buttons, or beads) are used to demonstrate mathematical concepts or used in art classes to complete a tactile drawing. These are good so the students can see whats going on in the classroom

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Technology and young Children

Technology is around us everyday and we give technology to children but its being abused children can learn from technology if used in the right way they can in different ways of learning and help them with their development its just depends on the person who shows or gives them the technology.

Prevention of child abuse

It talked about how us being teacher need to more involved as a community and do more. we need to be there for the children, we need to that person that is willing to be strong and have their back so they can be successful in life so they can become something and do more things and just be great and successful.

Media Violence in childrens lives

In my opinion i believe Media violence does affect children's lives. the media creates something different almost everyday. children become interested addicted, they become violent say words their not suppose to say they start fighting wanna become something their not and they learn quick from this. Most parents shove a phone or electronic device to their children and don't even care what they watch or what they do so most parents aren't even raising their children its seems to be the media 

Respecting and responding to diversity

The article was talking about how us being teachers or becoming teachers we need to be more serious and be more involved with families, help families out, get to know more than one language and by learning a different language it can benefit you and the child.

violence in the lives of children

The story talked about how children in america witness violence acts,also mentions that in 1991 2.7 million children were reported, theses children were victims of neglect, physical abuse, sexual abuse, and emotional maltreatment. violence is mimicked and influenced by the media. violence happens everyday